Wednesday, December 7, 2011

GSA Chapter 9: It's Been Awhile...

It has been so long since I last blogged that when I clicked on my blog tab where I'm always signed in it asked for my password. I apologize to those faithful few who read my blog. I'm not dead. :)

Last time I wrote it was Halloween, now it's practically Christmas (well not really but it's December so that's close enough). Not a whole lot has happened really, just the usual eb and flow of a normal day/week/month as an assistant dean here at Gem State. My parents came for a visit in early November and it was a very productive visit too. I got outfitted with a snazzy new dress, awesome new skis, new snow pants and even an epic new coat. It was a blast! We stayed up late, we giggled like crazy people, I put 250 miles on my car driving back and forth from Boise, I got to eat at the Old Spaghetti Factory (woohoo!), and just had a super grand time. I really like my parents (and yes, I think they actually read this so I don't mind them knowing). We get along most of the time and I definitely know I'm their spawn because we have the same epic sense of humor. My family is the bomb. Anyway, after they left it was the count down to Thanksgiving. Nothing too exciting happened between those two events. Although I did take three of the kids to Coldstone Creamery one night. One of the girls came in shorts, T-shirt, and flip-flops. She's nuts.

Anyway, Thanksgiving finally came and I flew to Salem, Oregon to visit my amazing aunt, uncle, and cousins. We had a blast! We baked, cooked, ate, ate, ate, oh and we ate. Around 9pm on Thursday night Auntie D and I decided to go to Toys R Us. We figured that since it was so early there really wouldn't be anyone there. We were very wrong. We had to stand in line in the rain to even get into the store because they were only letting 50 people in at a time. We waited about 15 minutes before finally getting into the store. Then we wandered around, battling the crowds at every turn. When we finally had everything we wanted we went to find the end of the line. Turns out the line to check out started in the very back of the store. We ended up zigzagging through the aisles of the store, back and forth and round and round until finally, 1 hr 18 min 8 sec later we were at the cashier. It was crazy! But we got a screaming deal on some things that I think the kids will be totally stoked about. We had a great time. It was a particularly special Thanksgiving because I've never spent this holiday with these guys. Unfortunately, on Monday I got sick. I'd been fighting off the twinges for a month and I finally caved. I got a cold and a sore throat. I thought I was going to die. I have now spent the last week and a half feeling lousy and taking more drugs than I care to mention. After all that, I finally got some antibiotics (thanks dad) and am feeling quite fabulous. I'm not 100% yet but definitely on my way. So now the next thing to look forward to is Christmas. I really like Christmas but for some reason I'm not feeling very Christmas-y. We have a tree in the lobby here in the dorm and I've been listening to Christmas music and such but I just don't have that magical feeling like I usually do this time of year. Maybe I'll find it when I go home. We are having a REAL Christmas tree in our family room this year and I'm a so ridiculously excited about that I can hardly wait to get home and decorate it while listening to Christmas music at an outrageously loud decible and eating (it doesn't matter what I eat as long as its Christmas food).

I'll probably have a huge post about how much I love Christmas coming up in a couple of days (or weeks). Also, this year during Christmas break we are hopefully going skiing in Colorado. I was totally against the idea for a while because CO is a LONG drive but then I discovered that I may see my lovely friend Sarah while I'm down there and now I want to go to COLORADO (hint hint dad). We go skiing every year right after Christmas and so I usually spend New Year's Day in a car. I don't mind though because we go skiing. How awesome is that? I'm going to stop now because I feel like I'm rambling. I'm sorry that I don't have anything profound to say right now about my dean experience but I basically just summed up my life over the last month so there ya go. :)


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