Saturday, May 24, 2014

Post-Graduation Thoughts

Is there anything that prepares you for this moment in time? Are you ever truly ready? The answer to both of those questions, I've found seems to be a resounding "no." But as I've said before, that's ok.

I graduated. I walked across the stage of my beloved college church, received my diploma, and shook the president's hand (university president that is). I cried through my entire high school graduation because I felt like it was the end of everything. If only I'd known it was just the beginning I probably wouldn't look so red-faced and bleary eyed in all my high school pictures. When I graduated from college it was a whole different feeling. I sat with three of my dearest animal science friends and anxiously awaited our names being called. The feeling I felt when I finished college a mere 3 weeks ago was pure joy. I was so excited to get my "diploma" (the actual piece of paper is coming in the mail) and just be done with college.

In my last post I talked about how nervous I was and discussed some of the truly great reasons I was totally ready to graduate, nerves and all. I'm now here to tell you, I feel the exact same way I did 60+ days ago. I'm ecstatic to begin a new adventure and to spend some time significantly closer to my main squeeze; eight months of long distance just won't fly anymore. I'm moving to a great town in my favorite state of all, North Dakota (don't tell Michigan).

Of course all the nervousness about this new chapter hasn't dissipated but I'm more excited than ever to start a phenomenal internship (that's PAID!!) and into my very first apartment! (I'm so excited about my apartment that it will probably get it's own blog post all together.) As is the hope with all students post grad, I want to continue learning. If a person stops learning they become stagnant and static and even useless. So in an effort to not be THAT person, I'm going to may take a couple of free online courses and definitely read more. I want to read for the sake of reading and gaining knowledge about myself and the world. I think this is getting rambly..

The point of all these words is just to say, although I didn't get the job I was hoping for, I still have something incredible and I'm going to be something incredible. That is all.

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