Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I'm about to graduate from college. I have my regalia, I all but have my degree in my hand. I'm on what should prove to be a successful hunt for a job. I have a very supportive family and boyfriend. So riddle me this, why am I so scared? Why am I so worried about where I end up, what I'll be doing, or even what state I'll be in? I have zero answers to these questions but here's what I do know.

I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from a school nobody has heard of. But that's ok because that means they don't know what to expect. Having a degree makes me eligible for better opportunities as well as better pay, both of which are positive things though neither really matter that much to me. Because no one has ever heard of my school I don't have to worry about fulfilling someone's expectations of how they think a graduate from [insert ivy league school here] should act a certain way and perform to levels potentially beyond that person's capabilities. I don't have that pressure. I just need to go out there and be myself...which is also scary.

I'm confident in my career choice. I know what I want to do and I'm ready to pursue it. There are a lot people who still aren't quite 100% sure what they're going to do and that's ok too. But I think it's reassuring to know that I want to go into zoo education and have some sort of basic outline for what my life will look like down the road. That's not to say I have a 5 year plan, because I totally don't, and I'm ok with that.

I have an incredible support system between my friends, family, and boyfriend. They are all ready to see me go places and achieve great things and I hope for their sake that I don't let them down! But I know that if I do fail, I have a soft place to land.

So am I nervous about graduating? Yes. Am I ready to graduate? Absolutely! Look out world, I'm coming at you in 60 days! Are you ready?

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