Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Wind

Here's an imagery poem that I wrote a while back. Tell me what you think.

The Wind
By A.

The wind is howling
Beating at the kitchen window
Whistling through the pines
Crashing with the ocean

A cool breeze is whispering
Waving through the grass
Calling through the trees
Caressing your face

Summer wind
Winter blizzard


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Well, I've decided that its time to put another poem on here. So here is the story behind it. This poem was written while I was on my senior class trip. We went on a tour of a giant, awesome, old mansion. It was a well worn mansion. One that hand grooves in the steps from where people wandered up and down them. It was a beautiful house but very lonely. I wrote a poem about it. I love this poem. Its very descriptive. Although, it does leave me feeling a tad depressed, it inspires me to make a difference. :)

Memories Are Forever
By: A.

Keyholes and candlesticks
Haunted basements and empty hallways
Silent laughter echoes
Evidence of quiet footfalls are worn into the carpet

The swing stands still
The hooves of fancy horses no longer prance
The house is silent
Cherubs drift through the vacant yard

Outside its black
Inside its grand, with staircases and chandeliers
Parties are invisible
Traces of forgotten fun are everywhere

The house stands empty of human inhabitants
But it is full of memories
Of crying, laughter, joy, and sorrow
Brick will crumble and fall, but memories are forever

Hope you liked it. If you did, you should comment and let me know. If you hated it, you should still tell me.

Friday, April 9, 2010

a long week

I finally finished my paper. It was 10 pages long! I haven't written anything that long in almost a year. But when I finally handed it in today, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Its amazing how good it feels to hand something giant to my professors. I worked on that paper all week. My room now resembles a land fill and I'm sleep deprived but it feels so good to be done!

My birthday is coming up on Monday. I've started receiving cards and packages in the mail and its pretty exciting. I got a slip for a package in my mail box today and when I went to go get the package it turns out that for some ridiculous reason we need our ID to pick up packages. So I had to hike all the way back to my room (which is only on the 2nd floor so its not that big of a deal) and get my ID so that I could pick up my package. As I approached the desk, I was talking to my mom on the phone and complaining about the new mail policy. The desk worker (also my RA last semester) started scolding me while I was on the phone with my MOM. I wanted to wave the phone in her face and say, "Hello! I'm on the phone!" but I didn't. Its just ridiculous because I don't even have to do that at the real post office! Oh well.

Thank God it is FRIDAY!!! Its been a long week! Much love! If you actually read this far you should let me know. Leave me some love.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spanish and Cheese

Tonight, while I was taking a break from writing a paper, I was chatting with my younger brother on Facebook. We chatted for about fifteen minutes in Spanish....neither of us speak Spanish...at all. It was beautiful. We were both using online translators.

After that, I decided to make some nachos with Kraft American Singles because I don't have any shredded cheese. It looked good when I pulled it out of microwave. However, that cheese hardened almost instantly! Sort of humorous. Ok, back to the paper. If you actually read all of this nonsense you should tell me! :)

Why blog?

It's my first blog! How exciting! Well, I decided to start blogging because...it was the most random thing ever and I just decided one day that I was going to start a blog. So here I am...blogging. I guess the main reason I started this blog was so that I could share my poetry and my thoughts about life. I think what provoked this is a huge paper that I had to write for a class. The paper was supposed to discuss how I view the world and what my opinions are on important topics such as, what happens to you when you die, how I view history, etc. So after rambling on for ten pages about that, I decided that I was going to write a blog! :) This is very exciting! So without further delay here is the most recent poem I wrote! Tell me what you think. :)


A summer sidewalk
is a child's canvas.
With chalk in hand
the possibilities are endless.

A rainbow, a cloud,
a giant flying fish.
A princess, a crowd,
a child's simple wish.

In the warm glow
of summer's light,
the sidewalk below
becomes a delight.

Where an adult sees cracks,
a child sees rivers.
What the side walk lacks
the child delivers