Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why blog?

It's my first blog! How exciting! Well, I decided to start blogging was the most random thing ever and I just decided one day that I was going to start a blog. So here I am...blogging. I guess the main reason I started this blog was so that I could share my poetry and my thoughts about life. I think what provoked this is a huge paper that I had to write for a class. The paper was supposed to discuss how I view the world and what my opinions are on important topics such as, what happens to you when you die, how I view history, etc. So after rambling on for ten pages about that, I decided that I was going to write a blog! :) This is very exciting! So without further delay here is the most recent poem I wrote! Tell me what you think. :)


A summer sidewalk
is a child's canvas.
With chalk in hand
the possibilities are endless.

A rainbow, a cloud,
a giant flying fish.
A princess, a crowd,
a child's simple wish.

In the warm glow
of summer's light,
the sidewalk below
becomes a delight.

Where an adult sees cracks,
a child sees rivers.
What the side walk lacks
the child delivers

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