Friday, November 5, 2010

The Snow and why I love it

It finally snowed today. After waiting for what seemed like years while other states were dumped on, Michigan has finally been blessed with the calming presence of 5 snowflakes. I love snow, don't get me wrong. But sometimes, people are just a little too excited. As I walked out of the dorm this morning on my way to class I encountered four girls ooo-ing and ahh-ing over the face that there was actually snow falling from the sky! (Who would have ever thought that rain would freeze, form ice flakes, and fall!?) They were in awe of the fact that there was snow on them, snow on their phones and they were exclaiming wildly about taking pictures in the snow.  Needless to say, this display of ignorant joy made my enjoyment of the snow seemingly far less than it otherwise would have been.
I enjoy the snow. I don't enjoy driving in it but I enjoy the look and feel of snow.  I love the glow that settles on the world when it snows. That golden glow that only happens when the light reflects off of the snow at night. I also enjoy the peace that snow brings. Unless there is a blizzard or the wind is blowing ferociously, when snow falls, everything seems to be peaceful and quiet. I feel like nothing can go wrong when it snows. There is also the joy and merriment that happens during the snow season. There is sledding, ice skating, skiing, caroling, presents, food, pie, cookies, family, friends, snow ball fights, snow angels. I could go on forever but you get the idea. I don't think I could ever live somewhere that was so warm that it never snowed. I like the atmosphere that snow brings. To me, snow is a symbol of happiness and joy. When it snows it makes me think of Christmas, God's creativity and attention to detail, hot chocolate and fire places. Being snuggled up in blankets until you are a big blob of softness is a marvelous thing. Snow seems to melt away all of my stress; either that or freeze it in a big block of ice and send it floating down the river of happiness. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I love snow.

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