Saturday, August 13, 2011

GSA Chapter 1: The Arrival

After what seemed like forever, I have finally arrived at Gem State Academy in Idaho. I am here to be one of several assistant deans. What does an assistant dean do, you may ask. My answer, I have no clue. Am I excited? Absolutely.
I got here after 17 hours of driving, a lonely stay in a hotel, and many miles of brown. Idaho must have been where God drifted off with his finger stuck on the "brown" key of the color keyboard. But the area around the school is green and it will be covered with snow for most of the year anyway so I really shouldn't complain. I got a tour of the dorm from the head dean. As we walked through the empty halls he shared his vision for the year and I'm ecstatic to work toward that goal with him. There are so many possibilities but first we must get down and dirty...literally. There is lots of cleaning and maybe even some painting to be done before this dorm is suitable for anyone. Tomorrow we are loading up and heading up to Camp Ida-Haven for a few days of planning, excitement, and networking. I can't wait to meet the rest of the faculty and staff.
Something I'm particularly excited about is having my own room. I play alright with others but not when it comes to closet space. Although I think I may have brought less stuff here...maybe. I can't wait to go lamp shopping. Ok, its late. More later in the week. 

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