Wednesday, October 5, 2011

GSA Chapter 7: Jr/Sr Girl's Retreat

After homeleave things continued at their usual academy pace until last weekend when I got the awesome opportunity to go with 25 of the junior and senior girls up to what I think might be the most beautiful spot in Idaho. We went to Cascade, ID and stayed at a place called The Depot. It used to be a train station for the Oregon Shortline Railroad. Built in 1914 for ticketing, waiting, and baggage there was also a second story home for the station manager. The station was moved in 1986 to its current location in Cascade.*

The house was so picturesque. It sits right along the Payette river which was unseasonably warm for this time of year. We enjoyed the fall colors, the swimming provided by the river but mostly we enjoyed doing the simple things. Eating, painting our nails, singing, dancing, watching know...girl's stuff. The girls spent all day Sabbath painting each other's nails. This school boasts some very talented nail artists. Sad to say, my camera has stopped functioning and so I wasn't able to get very many pictures. Hopefully, I can get them from some of the girls.

This week I've had trouble sleeping. I was up until 3am last night despite the fact that I had to get up at 5:45 this morning. Then, this afternoon I took a nap at 3pm and intended to wake up at 4:15...that didn't happen. I woke up at 7:40pm! I woke up in a panic thinking it was tomorrow and I was late.

Oh, while I'm on the subject of dumb stuff that I somehow manage to do here's a story for you. So I got a blender. It is not a big scary blender but a little blender with equal scare value. It is very cute and was only $16. I decided to make a strawberry smoothie from frozen strawberries and chocolate SILK (best stuff ever!). I must mention at this point that the cord for this blender is very short and because of this I had to precariously prop my power strip on top of a box fan and then wedge the power strip between the fridge and the dresser. So everything is going peachy and the smoothie was almost done. I had the lid off the blender because I was stirring the concoction and pushing it toward the blades at the bottom when all of a sudden the power strip slips off the fan taking the blender and smoothie with it. Now at this point I must say that it is a miracle that most of it landed on the floor and not on the enormous pile of clothes in the middle of my room. It sloshed all the way across the room and even hit my TV which is probably about 10 feet away from the dresser where I was blending. It was a horrible mess that I'm still cleaning up. It got all over my bed spread so I have to wash that tomorrow and hope that the strawberries and chocolate silk come out of my mostly white bed spread. It was awful. It was a mess of truly epic proportions.

This weekend we are doing out door church. I hope its warm because it has been FRIGID here this week! (I must put "frigid" in perspective. It has been in the upper 80's since I got here in August and all of a sudden the rain swooped in and it has been in the upper 50's and lower 60's all week. That's cold for us right now. Come this spring that will be toasty.) I'm excited for the change in weather though. It gets boring when its day after day of the exact same weather: sunny and hot. As I'm typing this I'm watching Ingrid the Invincible (my fish) swim wildly around her bowl. She is named Ingrid the Invincible because I didn't feed my two fish (Ingrid and Sven) for FOUR days; Ingrid survived, Sven did not.  My computer is having issues again. The disc drive is broken so I need to take it to Boise tomorrow and get it fixed.

In other news, its the weekend of volleyball tournament and our team, the Lady Jaguars, are heading to Walla Walla tomorrow. I hope they do well. Let's go Lady Jags! Anyway, I should go now because I'm rambling. K, bye.


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