Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Bucket List

I figure this should probably get written down so I don't forget to do any of them and so I can start crossing them out.

Ashley's Bucket List*
1. Publish a volume of poetry
2. Record an album
3. Travel
3a. England
3b. Korea
3c. Thailand
3d. Italy
3e. More of Africa
4. Go to Paris, France and sword fight with baguettes in front of the Eiffel Tower
5. Change a life
6. Find love
6a. Get married
6b. Have kids
6c. Have the "American dream"
7. Keep in touch with my best friends no matter the distance
8. Find a career I'm passionate about
9. Go skinny dipping
10. Visit every state in the US (I have been to 39 states so I have 11 states left)
11. Do some sort of acting
12.  Volunteer at an elephant orphanage in India or Africa
13. Volunteer to work with big cats
14. Go to the Galapagos Islands again
15. Visit every island, country, or ice berg with a penguin population
16. Meet the president of the United States

*This list is subject to change. Additions will definitely be made. 
So far this is all I can think of. If they are crossed off they are done.
I'm excited. 


  1. What a beautiful list Ashley! It was a nice reminder to sit back and dream for a few minutes.

  2. I call being the other fighter in #4!!!
    and you've already changed my life, babe. #5--check.
