Monday, October 24, 2011

GSA Chapter 8: Highlights of the Last Three Weeks

Well, a lot has happened since the last time I wrote but I was feeling lazy and didn't want to type. So I'll bullet point the highlights.


Pedro the Pumpkin
  • I'm getting a NEW room, complete with a bathroom and snazzy lighting. (Pictures to come when the room is complete.)
  • Went on a crazy Dairy Queen adventure a couple of weekends ago with the kids in the dorm on a Saturday night. *more later*
  • My fish Ingrid the Survivor is the best fish ever!
  • I really love living so close to family.
  • I visited the fam in Salem last weekend and we made the cutest cupcakes on the planet!
  • My littlest cousin is going as Indiana Jones for halloween...he has a whip and everything...he's legit.
  • Chaperoned the kids at a corn maze. Who had the brilliant idea to take a bunch of high school kids  with raging hormones to a corn maze?! We probably should have done a hickey inspection as everyone got back on the bus...
  • Found the most adorable costume on the planet for a baby (a candy corn!).
  • They shrunk the girl's laundry room so there is now a laundry room and a kitchenette! Well, not yet but there will be a kitchenette and baby laundry room sometime in the near future and that is something to get excited about.
  • Speaking of getting excited...THE FURNITURE FINALLY CAME!!!!!!!!! Fabulous pictures to come.
  • Locked my phone in a school suburban overnight.
  • Watched the Blues Brothers...very educational. lol
  • Was reminded that kittens are such good therapy for an exhausted soul
  • Learned that truckers have an ENORMOUS blind spot...or at least big enough for my car to hide in...mayhem must have been there...I almost died. (not really)
  • Discovered a ridiculously comfortable couch!
  • Learned that I could feasibly wear pink for a whole month without repeating an outfit. (I may have to actually put that claim to the test)
  • Finally posted a new ukulele video
  • Carved the coolest pumpkin named Pedro the Puking Pumpkin
  • Discovered that feeding ducks may become my favorite pastime when I'm old :D
  • Got my school pictures back today.
  • I'm really excited about Thanksgiving. :)
I think that's all the highlights. Ok, so more on the mini bus adventure.
So I was on duty and it was a Saturday night. Nothing was planned for the kids and they were all really bored. They kept begging me to take them somewhere and do something so I finally conceded and took all 13 of them to Dairy Queen. We piled into the mini bus and barreled off toward what I thought was DQ but when I went to turn toward the only DQ I knew of the kids told me to turn the other way and assured me that they knew where they were going. So, I followed their directions only to end up in the middle of no where and the kids wondering where DQ was. I finally dug out my phone and used the GPS app to get us there and I now know where DQ is in Caldwell...sort of. The other interesting factor was that I was driving the mini bus, which they affectionately call the "Bumblebee" and let me tell you, it was SCARY. But not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I don't like driving my dad's excursion so this was only about 500 steps up from that. It was a hilarious and terrifying event that I will probably remember for a very long time.
Most adorable costume for a baby! 

In other news...most adorable cupcakes EVER!

A lovely view of the front desk, door to the dean's office and the double doors on the left are the front doors of the dorm.
The amazing painting on the wall next to that super fancy fire alarm...
Um...this is a picture that didn't get rotated but you can see how pretty the rug is at any angle.

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