Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Recollections from My First 21 Years of Life

I have decided that 22 is more of a mile stone age than 21 for two reasons. Reason 1: I don't drink so who cares when it's legal? Reason 2: I'm finally out of the 18-21 age bracket on surveys!
In the last 21 years I have experienced joy, love, sorrow, fear, and so many more emotions that I could go on for a while but I won't. So what is there to say about the last 21 years without writing an autobiography. Let's see. I've had the privilege of caring for the most amazing cat and dog on the planet. Casey and Zeke, you will both always be in my heart no pet could ever match either of you. I have been there for almost all of my cousins' births, whether I remember it or not. My cousins and my brother were my first friends growing up and I would do almost anything for them. My best friend from age 3 until she moved away after 6th grade just got engaged which happened to help several happy memories from 6th grade and before resurface. I remember her and I thinking about that day waaaaay in the future when we would get married and how we would be each other's bridesmaid and then she would own a ranch and I would own an orphanage right next door. My orphans would go to her house and ride her horses. It was the perfect arrangement. Now that she's actually engaged 6th grade seems like yesterday.
I started singing at a really young age and have enjoyed it ever since. In fact, I'm kind of good at it too (or so people tell me). I'm recording several tracks next week! I remember the Y2K scare. I thought it was the stupidest thing. I wasn't really concerned.
After I got baptized (age 11) I would cry when I did something wrong because I sort of thought that after I was baptized I would never do anything wrong again and I was sad that I kept messing up. Thankfully, I have that all straightened out now. I've been all over the United States and even done some international travelling! I'm lookin at you Galapagos Islands and Mexico (Canada doesn't really count...). I've discovered that I'm very passionate about kids. I LOVE working at camp. This will be my 5th summer working as a lifeguard, counselor, and all around helper and I couldn't be happier with that decision.
Something else I've learned is that my dad was soooo right about college. It really is 1000 times better than high school. (And I thought high school was great!) I have some of the best friends a girl could ever ask for and that makes me VERY happy. I'm an assistant dean in Idaho. Who thought that would ever happen? I definitely didn't see myself here when I was in 8th grade.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am so blessed! God has blessed me with the best FAMILY, PETS, FRIENDS, EDUCATION, OPPORTUNITIES, and LIFE a woman could ask for. If you actually read all of this, kudos. :) Here's to another fabulous 21 years of life!!

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